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Here are ways to bring these views and some of its functions:
Toolbar :" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">> Toolbar:
Toolbar , atau klik kanan mouse di area kosong disebelah menu bar, dibawah tool box pada area kosong, atau di dalam status bar." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">To Display the toolbar click the menu: Window> Toolbars, or right click mouse in the empty area next to the menu bar, under the tool box on the blank area, or in the status bar. will display a list of toolbars
toolbar visible here where the active and inactive, click to enable or disable.
+ Menu Manager: to enable / disable display the menu bar [file | edit | view |...]
+ Status Bar: To determine the coordinates of the cursor, color size etc from the current image object.
+ Standard: Contains shortcut Icon New, Open file, save, print, scale drawings, etc.
+ Property Bar: To determine the parameters and setting the current image object
+ Toolbox: Contains drawing tools and Modify image [pen, line, rectangle, text, etc.]
+ Text: To download more detailed Settings Text, [style font, align, etc.]
+ Zoom: To adjust the size of the zoom setting on the drawing area
+ Internet: To download the settings if the picture fungsi2 added internet to internet pages
+ Print Merge: Merge Print settings [rarely used]
+ Transform: To download the setting position, Size, mirrors etc from the current object
+ Visual Basic .. [VBA]: to add or run Visual Basic programs on corel
Docker :" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">> Docker:
Docker > ….." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">To display the Docker, click the menubar: Window> Docker> ... ..
All active and inactive Docker seen there, for example Tranformation containing Size, Skew, Scale, Rotate, Position. Properties, Object Manager, etc.
Color Pallete :" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">> Color pallete:
Color Palletes > …." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">To display the color pallete, click the menubar: Window> Color Palletes> ....
available many types of color pallete, commonly used for standard RGB pallete Default or Default CMYK pallete or both.
Jika CMYK dan RGB memiliki warna yang sama atau CMYK memiliki warna yang lebih cerah dari pada CMYK ( RGB biasanya memiliki warna yang lebih mencolok ), maka untuk mengembalikan warna ke aslinya dengan cara klik menubar : Tools > Color Management maka akan terbuka box seperti dibawah" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">> If the CMYK and RGB have the same color or CMYK colors brighter than the CMYK (RGB usually have a more striking color), then to return to its original color by clicking menubar: Tools> Color Management will open the box as below this.
Transferred to the arrow no.1 no.2 activated by clicking the arrow no.2, then click ok.
Agar settingan tersimpan, klik Tools > Save Setting as Default." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">> To be saved settings, click Tools> Save Settings as Default. if not done in these conditions, when you open the corel program setting will be returned back to the state before the setting.
Toolbox : Berisi alat-alat untuk menggambar dan memanipulasi / mengedit gambar." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">> Toolbox: Contains the tools for drawing and manipulating / editing images. and several tools have floating tool bar which contains more complete. floating bar will appear by clicking the small triangle on the right hand bottom of the icon tool.
Pick tool [spacebar] to select the image component,
Shape tool [F10]: To edit a line, curve, point line. has flayout contain Knife tool, Eraser, Brush smudge, Roughen, Free Transform.
Zoom [F2]: zoom in, [F3] Zoom out, [F4] Zoom All, in a floating bar there is also [hand], that serves to shift the image display
Free Hand tool: To draw a straight line, either free line or a straight line or straight line XY (with the help of the control), Freehand additional course has a floating bar that pretty much like:
+ Bezier [for straight or curved lines regularly seriate],
+ Artistic media [containing templete drawings which follow the line, and there is a dynamic line thickness / thin thick],
+ Pen tool [= Bezier],
+ Polyline [for straight lines or free seriate],
+ 3curve point [flexion 3 points],
+ Conecttor [for connecting lines, eg for connecting to the chart flowcart / organizational structure],
+ Dimmension [to display the size of the image]
Rectangle tool: to make a box, square [with the help of the control], a grid of center point [with the help of the shift key], has a floating bar: 3 point rectangle
Ellipse tool: to create an oval object, or a circle [with the help of the control], oval / circle from the center point [with the help of the shift key]
Polygon tool: to make the object corner lots and irregular star.
Basic Shape: contains various template images, such as arrows, callout, flowcart, etc.
Text: to add text, either Artistic text [with 1x click on the image area] and the paragraph text [by making the area text]
Blend tool: to automatically create an object forms an object between forms 2. has a floating bar:
+ Contour: it has functions such as offset,
+ Distortion: change the shape of the object is distorted, there are some functions twister etc. zipper.
+ Envelope: change the shape of an object to follow the editor box envelope
+ Extrude: add the effect of thickness / extrude
+ Drop shadow: add a shadow effect
+ Transperency: combined effect with transparency gradation
Eyedrop tool: to take the sample color
has a floating bar:
+ Paintbucket: to apply colors taken from eyedroper
Out line tool: setting the line contains both thicknesses, etc line model.
Fill Tool: contains setiingan staining, both blocks, gradation, texture and patern
Interactive Fill tool: a tool for the tool to fill the application object. especially gradation. has a floating bar:
Interactive Mesh tool: techniques for staining with areas of color point or at a certain point has a certain color.
Learning nyablon shirts
Here's a little description about the system screen printing (screen printing), particularly on matters that must be considered in the process. For the record, what I describe below is just a complement to what might have been and you'll learn about the printing screen printing systems from other sources.
Manufacturing / construction design (artwork)
Design (images / artwork) is very important. Good quality printouts at least greatly affected or even dependent on the quality of images / artwork that we have. The execution of the artwork is better done with the help of programs like graphics applications, such as Corel Draw or Illustrator for vector-based artwork workmanship. This will produce a sharp image and will not experience distortion when adjustments were made to size (resizing).
If bitmap program, such as Photoshop, can also be used. But the use of this program is more directed to if the artwork for printing in full color that does not allow us to use such a program was Corel Draw, and requires special techniques before it is ready artwork for feature films.
Film Making
If the artwork is complete we do and are ready to print out, we can do it on a sheet of transparent film (clear). This is much better than using plain paper. Every color of the artwork will be printed in black on each sheet of what we call transparent film. For example if we have an image logo in red and blue, we separate the two colors, red color changed to black, to print out, change the color blue to black, then do a print out again. Each print out done on a separate sheet of film, will produce good quality films using a laserjet printer or class as used by film output service provider.
This is what is generally known as the separation (color separation). For more details how to make films for screen printing, see the writings Film To Sablon.
A screen is a stretch of gauze or mesh (fine mesh kind) are stretched and attached to a rectangular frame (wood, aluminum, etc.).
Parts of the screen in general is as follows:
screen frame: made of ordinary wood, aluminum or other material that is strong enough and gauze (mesh) can be stretched and glued on top (with a staple or glue) without making it change shapes. Frame sizes are varied and tailored to his small large images and materials that will be printed. The market that you can find them is uk. 30 x 40 cm, 40 x 60 cm, etc..
Receiver screen (handle) to handle and flipping or shift the position of a screen on the table. Made of wood, plastic or metal. If the frame is made of metal screen that has a screen rail, the handle mounted using bolts so that the position can be shifted-shift according to requirement.
Regulatory position (as the register screen). This is a tool on the screen in the printing of the long table. Kak-foot screen when we "geret" long table on the rail, then the movement of the screen will be captured when the regulator's position on the rooftop of this screen on the table. That means the screen has been located in the right position and the printing process will be conducted on such a screen position. With this tool will greatly help us to place a screen in the right position without having to figure out. Provided that all material to be printed (or other fabric) was placed on the table at the same marking, then the results will fall in the same position as well.
Foot screen: on the side of the screen frame are made from metal usually make two holes with a drat for a place to install the long bolt that serves as a foot screen. Aside from being a "leg" so the screen can be more easily "digeret" on the rail table, can also be used as soft adjusting to set / adjust the screen height and slope position on the table.
Rel screen: is the site for placement of the bolt handle and control the position (register) screen. Given this rail regulator receiver screen and screen position can be shifted-shift according to the needs in a way loosen and tighten the bolts. This common rail there on the screen frame made from metal (eg aluminum). With the existence of this rail, regulator and receiver screen position can be easier to handle screen removable.
On a screen frame which wood, regulatory position in the form of wood, too, that if the regulator has established its position will be nailed to the screen frame. To change its position, regulatory position or hold the screen should be released first (by removing the nails from the frame), put on a new position and nailed again. It's certainly too much trouble besides damaging the screen frame. After a few times to move the position, regulatory position will become loose and certainly affect the accuracy of placement of the screen.
Gauze or mesh: usually made polyethylen - have varying levels of density, eg 83, 110, 125, 200, 300 ff or among those numbers. The smaller the score the more "rough" screen and petered ditail molds can produce.
To better understand how the influence of mesh density on ditail and printing and conformance to the type of ink needed an effort to try, then we can document for easy selection later.
Emulsion Coatings on the screen.
This creation process is simple. What we need to do is to coat evenly on the entire surface of the gauze with photo emulsion material (usually sold in the market including Ulano brand, etc.) and then dry them. Photo emulsion is sensitive to light, particularly ultraviolet light, thereby coating processing is done in the "poor light" although it does not mean total darkness. We can use yellow lights for lighting, which does not emit UV rays that can damage the emulsion, but enough for us to still be able to see. There are different types of emulsion material for the purpose of printing inks and materials used. There is a special emulsion for water-based ink (water base), ie the adjustment of ink viscosity is by adding water. There are specific to the oil base ink, and there are also specific to a thick printout.
Materials are usually packaged emulsion composed of two different materials, namely base alloys and materials (catalyst). Both materials are simply mixed and stirred evenly when used with a comparison to the corresponding instructions on the packaging. If both materials have been intermingled, it would not be stored for a long time. This emulsion storage materials should be placed closed and protected from light, and better if stored in refrigerator. The heat also can damage or reduce the quality of the material.
Emulsion material for the coating process, we need a special tool is a kind of scoop that cater for this process, but if no one can also use rakel or other device that has a flat and smooth surface.
Emulsion coated on the outer surface of the screen evenly, then turn the screen and seal the inner surface as well, so we have enough emulsion layer thickness in accordance with printouts that we want (even this should be through the efforts of trial and error). If you want a thicker coating, the coating should be done gradually and drying prior to the first layer and so on. Drying can be done with the help of wind or dryer with enough heat. We can use a hair dryer for this drying process. For a thicker printing again, we recommend using a specialized emulsion to produce bold.
Note: to produce a mold which is slightly thicker, then the emulsion coating made up a few times. The trick is that after the first coat dried, layered again with the second layer, blow-dry, go with the third layer, and so on. Noteworthy is that determines the thickness of the emulsion layer is printed on the surface of the outer side of the screen, not the inside (where to put ink). The thicker layer of emulsion, it exposes a much longer time, so does the time penyemprotannya. In addition, the emulsion layer is too thick can lead to decreased quality printouts (smoothness or strength), unless used in the emulsion and the type of special ink that can correspond to a thick printout.
Print process (Development of a screen)
If the layer has dried, we can immediately take radiation or expose. Good light is needed for this process, can with the help of the sun or radiation equipment which is usually a box-top is clear glass and a special shoot the lights in it (firing table). We can replace these lamps with multiple gunshot lampuneon but the exposure time will be slightly longer than the lights had been shot.
Place the film on the outer surface of the screen. Be sure to place the film at the position in accordance with the placement of images on print media. This can be done by checking the register on the screen with a pencil or pen, adjusted for the register marks on the film (if you sign this register will follow shot, could be closed again with ulano later). Film surface must be placed in inverted position, so that (if any) writing facing us "not legible" or call it in-mirror (unless we intentionally want to make the mold upside down).
Note: The film functions as a barrier here is a ray of the emulsion layer on a screen. Emulsion layer is exposed to light will harden, strongly attached and covering the pores screen.Lapisan exposed screens will not fall off when sprayed with or exposed to water.
Tape the film on the surface of the screen with the help isolatif nodes. Place the outside of the screen that has been plastered on the top surface of the film was shot glass desk. Make sure that between the glass and the surface of the screen there is no distance at all to avoid distortion. For this we can add a burden on the inside screen is evenly distributed and sufficient to create a screen surface is not really with the glass. If using a special firing machine table, we do not need that, because the machines usually have a special firing tables are equipped with vacuum suction for pressing the screen.
When everything is ready, irradiation can be done immediately.
The duration of exposure time depends on the emulsion material, the density of a screen and a light source that we use. Once again, these experiments also need to find a combination that really appropriate. Often, failures or problems encountered at this stage, so it's important for us to better understand it through a series of exercises and experiments. But generally the normal exposure time ranged from 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the factors mentioned above.
Radiation is completed. Spray the surface of the exterior and interior screen with water. We can use a spray that is used to wash cars or water the garden. Not too needed high-pressure spraying equipment, but just enough pressure. Spraying mainly conducted on the outer surface of the screen, while the inner surface will usually be more lenient so it is quite a bit of spraying only.
While doing the spraying, we can observe the patterns formed on the screen. Emulsion layer which fall out when sprayed to form images in accordance with the film images that we use in the process of irradiation, while the other screen will still be coated with emulsion. Area emulsion screens this fall that will be pierced by the ink to form images in accordance with the film. We can, watching whether the screen has formed a picture as it should.
For beginners, or when changing brand / type of emulsion, screens often have trouble making. Screen can be very difficult to penetrate even when using sprays pressurized water, or vice versa can be a little too soft so that the spraying could be eroded all the layers of emulsion. This caused them by the time radiation is inappropriate, improper mixing emulsions or have experienced loss of quality.
Print table
Print table is a place where the material to be printed is placed in the stencil printing process. There are various printing table model, in accordance with the needs, costs, and places. Basically it is a table to sit and a long table. Of the two kinds of printing table, there are variations which is a modification / innovations of both: a table was sitting with vacuum systems, rotary table sat system, long tables and long table tilted flat.
Table sat a table model is the most common print we find if we visit places of business printing stencil, for example in the manufacture of business cards, stickers, t-shirts, etc.. If we went along the road in East Kalibaru Last Train Statsiun Senen Jakarta or in front of Train Station Bekasi (ex cinema Parahyangan), we will see many small silk screening business that uses this table sat system. The model is simple, just a small table with the surface of the table is made of glass and there are vise (a kind of hinge claws that had to tie a screen on the desk) at the upper side of the table. By the owner, the table sat a table, besides functioning as a print, can also be used as a firing table by adding neon lights at the bottom of the table. This will help to expose the screen when the days are cloudy or rain or at night.
Table sat suitable for use in printing business cards, invitations, stickers, fabric (shirt / dress) or other material which does not use a placement print design colors that are relatively complicated. This is because the printing of the table sat a screen located in a fixed position, so that the material will dicetaklah more adjusted its position to the position of the screen.
To print a piece of cloth with the table sat, usually attached to pieces of cloth used on the carton that has been coated with special glue (such as a branded 3M). This glue has a force strong enough adhesive so that the fabric is not easy to shift, but also not easy to dry so that the fabric can be easily released back of the carton. The basic ingredients were relatively not glue will contaminate the cloth. With the aid of glue-coated paperboard that is setting the relative position of print will be easier than putting pieces of cloth printed table directly in the bag.
To print shirts so the table can be done sitting at a table with a little modification of the print, namely by making such pads (mats) for t-shirts to be printed, for example, as shown below:
Long table
Termed long table because this table design is a rectangular-shaped elongated. Table width ranging from 80cm to 1m or more depending on demand. A long table is equipped with rails for the road and running the dryer screen. This rail mounted on a rooftop that serves as a barrier limiting the movement of a screen or a screen positioning. Tabletop can be made of thick plywood timber. On the surface can be covered with stretch fabric glued, then be coated with cement mixed with cement binder so that the layer was not cracked when it becomes dry. But without a coating with a cloth and cement was not a problem, provided that the surface of the table can be made serata and seamless as possible to avoid going the print quality is less good because of the influence of the surface of the table.
Long tables are made flat and there are also made with a sloping angle of about 60 to 80 degrees.
To facilitate the placement of printed material on the table, the table printed on the surface of such a scale lines (Ruler) from bottom to top. This scale lines printed for each specific distances in accordance with rooftop placement distance (more or less every distance from 60 to 80 cm). Finally, the table surface is coated with special glue that the market is known as the glue table. This glue has a sticking power strong enough to hold the fabric to prevent shifting, but also not easy to dry so that the fabric can then be easily removed again.
If traces of fabric fibers that attach to the table many, can be cleaned by washing with soap and water table and by using very fine sandpaper. In fact, the glue table getting a little dry (after a few weeks) can be good again after we wash with water table.
Installation Screen
If the picture is a picture we will print only one color, screen placement on the table is relatively easy to print. But if our images contain more than one or many colors, we need signs printed (resgister) for placement of a screen and the results are more akurat.Setelah put a screen on the table, should do a test print. The trick is to take a piece of cloth / t-shirts (or can be replaced with paper board), set its placement on the table where natinya piece of cloth / t-shirts the other will be affixed. Adjust the screen position where the position of the image will be printed. Put a little ink on the surface of the screen. Pull and press the ink through the image on the screen onto the fabric. Note the image is printed on the cloth. Next, replace the screen for a second color. Set-arrange the position of the screen so that the color of the two later fell in the position it deserves. Tick the screen position or by tightening bolts on the regulatory position of the screen. Repeat these steps for color-3, and so on.
On the table sat printing, usually made boundaries for placement of printed materials on a table, or a day-to-day known by the term "mall" or "definitely". Accuracy and precision in the manufacture of the mall is very influential on the accuracy of the position of the prints on the material. Hence the setting is usually done by the print head or who are already experienced in the production process of silk screening.
Make a copy and images on T-Shirt
Print itself is a step to record / copy the image onto a movie screen. Drugs used as a 'master tinta'nya print. Drugs used were Ulano TZ / Chromatin.
Step - step is;
The new screen frame should be bought, washed with soap cream beforehand using a patchwork penyikatnya, there is concern that the former liquid paint sludge to dry or dust etc., which can damage the fabric mesh screen. After being washed dried with a hairdryer (not too close because the heat will damage the fabric screen) or a fan who was not turned a pile of sand or dust that would contaminate the already washed back to the screen. Can the hot sun, but with standing screen position,
While the screen is cleaned, mixed with a sensitizer Ulano, adjust to the application, if you only need one screen means no need to mix it up a bottle ulano, Ulano recommended given the mixed one drop of ink whose color is not included in the color that will be screened, to ensure easy read the details to drawings,
After the screen otherwise clean and dry, seal with TZ ulano using mica or a ruler (okay to use rakel but if the result is too thick, should not use rakel), adjust the size of the image to be printed, front and rear frame of the screen,
If the screen really has closed Ulano, just dry with a hairdryer (if you use the fan will be very long dry). Do not ever use any lighting, especially the hot sun to dry,
After Ulano dries, move the images on the film / cliche or paper stencil printer HVS results that have been smeared by vegetable oil. By the way, put the picture on the front screen upside down, closed 5mm glass and the inside or behind a screen cushioned black fabric, lighting can be in two ways, namely;
- UV light from the Sun, the order of glass, film, screen, black fabric cushions (you can also add other ballast to pressing a pillow) faced into the sun for about 20 seconds.
- Neon Lamp Light 2 x 40watt, the same sequence but do not need anymore because there is 5mm glass on the table, if you use the copy difference table facing down towards the lamp, Solarise + 15 minutes,
Once exposed, the screen flush with clean water first, and certainly there are no dust dirt / small rocks when sprayed will be damaging, not just the pictures that have been removed but the fabric screen can be damaged / torn. Also the function to soften the layers that are not exposed Ulano,
Spray water with a guide that has been printed image, meaning that the details of the picture is very small easy to read. (If any detail is damaged because the water spray is too harsh, layered Ulano using Cutton bud),
Once sprayed, dry with a hairdryer, because it takes the wind and heat that dries faster. If the weather is not cloudy, may just use the hot sun,
Cover the edges with duct tape screen Ulano in brown, the front side image and back to avoid tembusnya ink that is incompatible with the original picture and so the ink does not go into the sidelines / corner of the screen that will be difficult to clean,
Then the screen given the vise if you want to print using the table,
T-Shirt that has been inserted inside plywood placed on the table under the screen, if it produces silk screening t-shirts with a vast amount, use the Mal / limiter to the size / location of the same stencil,
Before the above t-shirts, use the newspaper to ensure that no undue translucent ink,
Place the ink that was mixed fluid amplifier / special adhesives, inks that contain functions that rubber is not easily broken, when washed and ironed. (Can be asked to seller screen printing equipment), use rakel to flatten,
If there are images in the pattern of lines on the edge of lis or letters for example, should lis printed later. Due to be adjusted if the location does not match, the way the system hold-up man / open the clamp,
When you're finished, the screen should be washed immediately with soap and cream patchwork of course with a brush. Although using water-based ink, if the screen is not as difficult to clean immediately be cleaned of oil-based ink,
Remove the shirt from the plywood when it is dry before confronted a fan, keep it away from the plywood seams remaining threads of convection (the inside of shirts) are attached as it may affect the results of the next sablonase.
BASED on the drafting process
Fabrics made from the results of crossing two threads with the way in weaving / woven. Often called the woven fabric. Woven material characteristics can not be in drag.
Fabrics made from entrapment - entrapment of thread / yarn hook with thread, often called knit fabric. Characteristics of this fabric can stretch or elastic. Examples of knit fabrics: jersey, interlock, rib, single jersey, tricot, etc..
Based on the specifications of yarn:
1. Cotton
A. Combed Cotton:
Fibers finer yarn.
Results Knitted and more flat appearance.
: B. Cotton CARDED
Fiber yarn less smooth.
Results knitted material and uneven appearance.
The nature of both types of material can not absorb the sweat and heat, because raw materials are primarily cotton fibers.
2. TC (TETERTON Cotton)
This type of material is a mixture of 35% Combed Cotton and Polyester (Teteron) 65%. Compared to materials Cotton, TC materials can absorb less sweat and a little heat in the body. The surplus material is more resistant TC 'shrinkage' (no shrinkage or stretching) despite being washed many times.
3. CVC (Cotton Viscose)
This type of material is a mixture of 55% Combed Cotton and 45% Viscose. The advantages of this material is its shrinkage rate (shrinkage pattern) is smaller than the Cotton material. This type of material is also absorb perspiration.
4. Polyester and PE
This type of fabric made from synthetic or artificial fibers from petroleum products to produce materials such as fiberglass and poly plastic products such as plastic pellets. Because of the nature of basic materials, then this type of material can not absorb the sweat and heat wearing.
The importance of knowing about the threads of the material we want t-shirts are related to the thickness or material gramasi shirt itself.
1. YARN 20s
Usually used when we want the thickness or material gramasi shirts atara 180 to 220 gram / square meter for the type of knitted Single Knitt.
2. YARN 24S
Usually used when we want the shirt material thickness or gramasi between 170 to 210 gram / square meter for the type of knitted Single Knitt.
3. YARN 30S
Usually used when we want the shirt material thickness or gramasi between 140 to 160 gram / square meter for the type of knitted or Gramasi Knitt Single 210 to 230 gram / square meter for the type of knitted Double Knitt.
4. YARN 40 S
Usually used when we want the shirt material thickness or gramasi between 110 to 120 gram / square meter for the type of knitted or Gramasi Knitt Single 180 to 200 gram / square meter for the type of knitted Double Knitt.
TYPE knitted
1. SINGLE KNITT (ex. Combed 20's, he is single knitt S)
Technical understanding of knitting needles are single.
Use only one surface or can not be inverted (2 surface).
Type of meeting knitted, solid material, less flexible (stratching).
Most products on the market t-shirts are wearing knitted type Single Knitt.
2. DOUBLE KNITT (ex. Combed 20'D, it is double knitt D)
Technical understanding is Double knitting needles.
So its use can be inverted (top down no problem).
Type of meeting not knitted, elastic material, soft and supple.
Items commonly wear shirts of this type are knitted clothes for babies (baby) and children (Kid's). Some people call this material called interlock.
3. Lacoste
Technical understanding is knitted texture / style.
The use can not be inverted.
Types of Knotted bertexture, round, box, or resembling small triangle.
Some people have called this material or Leave Pique, and the only commonly used for T-Shirt Polo Shirt or Collar.
4. STRIPER or Yarn Dye
Technical understanding is knitting yarn color combinations (Yarn Dye).
The use can not be in the back and forth.
Can Type Single or Double Knitt Knitt.
Finishing must openset / sides.
Lay people call this material called Salur materials / colors. Usually used for adult t-shirts products (Men, Women, T-Shirts, and Polo Shirts).
5. Needle Drop
Technical understanding is knitted with needles pull variation.
Its use can go back and forth.
Type a vertical straight line knitted texture, soft and supple.
T-shirts products are widely used for Rib Neck (T-Shirt), Ladies Body Fit T-Shirt, T-shirts and singlets.
Type T-shirts here finishing materials related to the desired width of shirt material relating to the need for efficiency in the pattern / marker. Finishing is also related to the need for handfeel / grip jersey material.
1. Tubular / Circle
Form of material here is a round hoop shirts (like gloves) for Cotton material called Callendar, whereas for the Non-Cotton called Settings. Types of finishing materials like this shirt the most widely used by the garment / Clothing Company.
Materials in the form of t-shirts that are already split widened openset / horizontal. The advantages of finishing is so much more straight-fiber material and shrinkage (shrinkage of the fabric) is more subtle. This type of finishing products are widely used for t-shirts that give priority to quality, brand branded / famous, and export quality.
type of finishing material that makes fiber shirts became tighter, brighter colors, shrinkage, better, and handfeel harder. Examples for this type of material is much dipaai by local producers such as t-shirts: Metalizer, Cressida, IE-BIE, Dadung, Dagadu, Sinergy, BE-HOT, and others.
Is the type of finishing that prioritizes handfeel or soft and flexible grip. Examples of products that wear shirts of this type of material: Billabong, Quicksilver, Giordano, and most children's clothing and baby.
4. Enzymes and BIO BIO COMPACT
This type of finishing is an innovation of Non-Mercerized. Actually, both types are finishing the technical character of the surface material merapuhkan shirts with some kind of bacteria. Appearance of the material obtained is so super soft, fur so soft and brighter colors. The weakness of this material is not durable. But these types of consumer products t-shirts t-shirts but did not prioritize durability prestige, because these products are generally well known and expensive brands such as Billabong, Rusty, Pacific Ocean, Rip Curl, No Fear, and others.
5. Rotary PRINT
This type of finishing material in question is a T-shirt jersey material already in the form of printing / stencil before cutting. Printingnya process uses a rotary engine, so-called rotary printing. T-shirt type of material is widely used by garment manufacturers of children and women.